Favorable regulations framing the impact of digital technology

Although restrictive, the regulatory framework offers a tremendous opportunity for Green WiFi, perfectly aligned with many of the issues raised by the legislation.
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Digital technology and energy efficiency at the heart of an increasingly restrictive regulatory framework

In a world where environmental concerns are taking center stage, the French and European regulatory landscape is undergoing adjustments to encourage more sustainable practices.

Although restrictive, the regulatory framework concerning the impact of digital technology on the environment offers a tremendous opportunity for Green WiFi, perfectly aligned with many of the issues raised by the legislation.

Legislative changes and environmental issues

The subject is far from trivial. In addition to a tense climate and geopolitical context, changes in the regulatory framework are forcing companies and organizations to take action.

In Europe

As part of the Green Deal for Europe – an ambitious roadmap to transform the European economy into a sustainable and prosperous one, while combating climate change and biodiversity loss – the European Commission has identified the need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 2015, and to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. These objectives should contribute to the EU’s ambition to reduce its emissions by 55% by 2030, and by 80% to 95% by 2050.

Specific measures for the digital sector include promoting eco-design of digital products and services, developing the circular economy for digital waste, and promoting the use of sustainable digital technologies.

In France

France has enacted numerous laws and adopted significant measures to combat climate change and the impact of digital technology. It would take too long in our context to decipher all the laws and regulatory texts specifically dedicated to energy and climate issues in recent years.

However, it is worth mentioning a few of the main regulations adopted in this area over the last ten years.

illustration reglementation impact numerique
illustration reglementation impact numerique

This law sets ambitious targets for renewable energies, energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

This law reinforces the objectives of the energy and climate transition by aligning France with the trajectory of carbon neutrality by 2050.

This law is the result of proposals put forward by the Citizens’ Climate Convention and aims to accelerate the ecological transition, in particular by strengthening measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The REEN law reinforces the objectives of the French Climate and Resilience Act in terms of ecological transition. In particular, it sets the objective of reducing the environmental footprint of the digital sector, which accounts for around 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The objectives of the REEN law are ambitious:

  • Reducing energy consumption by digital players by 15% by 2030
  • Reducing the environmental impact of digital technology in buildings by 40% by 2030
  • Implementation of eco-design for digital products
  • Development of the circular economy for digital waste.

Focus on the Tertiary and BACS decrees

This legislative change has led to a rapid tightening of standards and regulations in France, illustrated in particular by the tertiary sector decree and the BACS decree.

Tertiary sector decree: Clear consumption reduction targets

Published in July 2019 following the enactment of the ELAN law, the Tertiary Eco Efficiency Scheme also known as the “tertiary decree”, precisely imposes a progressive reduction in energy consumption for all tertiary buildings or premises with an operating area of 1,000 m² or more: minus 40% by 2030, minus 50% by 2040, and minus 60% by 2050 compared with a reference year that cannot be earlier than 2010.

BACS decree: Automating energy management in non-residential buildings

And the BACS (Building Automation & Control Systems) decree, published in July 2020, requires new and existing tertiary buildings to be equipped with automation and control systems (at least class C), in order to meet the consumption reduction targets set by the tertiary decree.

Green WiFi's benefits for your regulatory compliance

Companies that comply with the standards in force in the context of the ecological transition are likely to benefit from certain advantages. By aligning themselves with French and European environmental regulations, they can receive subsidies or tax breaks, while reinforcing their social and environmental responsibility.

In this sense, Green WiFi is a catalyst for meeting certain requirements by offering energy-efficient solutions. In this way, the company becomes an opportunity for innovation and commitment in the transition to a sustainable digital model. Companies embracing Green WiFi position their infrastructures for a greener future, aligned with contemporary environmental concerns.

Ready to take your IT project to the next level with a brand-new eco-responsible approach? Green WiFi helps you achieve new goals!