Green WiFi for Retail & Multi-site companies

Green WiFi, a strategic partner to the retail sector and multi-site businesses, with technological solutions that combine performance, economy and ecological responsibility.
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Turn your IT challenges into eco-friendly opportunities with Green WiFi

In today’s connected world, network performance is crucial for multi-site businesses, whether they are stores, offices, warehouses or factories. The challenges of harmonizing existing networks, pooling operating costs and optimizing infrastructures for flawless performance and simplified security are omnipresent.

Environmental concerns are also taking center stage, with the French and European regulatory landscape evolving rapidly to promote more sustainable practices.

Legislation now obliges all economic players to integrate numerous environmental issues into their strategic roadmaps, which means, among other things, making informed technological choices. This is a great opportunity to adopt the Green WiFi approach, perfectly aligned with many of the points raised by the legislation.

Optimize your connectivity with Green WiFi

Green WiFi is committed to meeting these challenges by promoting eco-responsible technologies and services, which not only improve efficiency but also promote economy and ecology through device reduction and process simplification.

Our expertise in SD-WAN network management, G-PON (Passive Optival Network), telecommunications and cybersecurity guarantees comprehensive, high-performance and streamlined project management for multi-site companies and the retail sector in general.

Wixalia & Cinalia, a winning combination for secure performance

Wixalia and Cinalia form a dynamic duo, perfectly combining their expertise to offer innovative, secure network solutions. Wixalia, as the exclusive integrator of Green WiFi solutions, and Cinalia, a recognized expert in cybersecurity, work together to design network architectures that are both high-performance and economical.

This operational collaboration ensures not only a significant reduction in costs and carbon footprint, but also the implementation of advanced solutions such as fiber-based SD-WAN architectures, accompanied by a unified maintenance and supervision service.

Their expertise guarantees optimum protection of your data, thanks to strategic advice and access to a professional SOC (Security Operations Center).

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Green WiFi solutions to suit you

Green WiFi’s philosophy is rooted in our determination to offer a completely new approach to eco-responsible IT infrastructure to reduce your carbon footprint.

Green WiFi is much more than a technical solution: it’s a responsible approach, a holistic vision that brings together economic, ecological and technical performance for truly eco-responsible connectivity.

Here is a selection of solutions that we think will be of particular interest to you as a multi-site and/or retail company.

GPON LAN Network

Discover how GPON technology can transform your network infrastructure while significantly reducing operational costs (OPEX) and capital expenditure (CAPEX).

Harness the power of fiber to boost network performance over long distances and between multiple buildings, while benefiting from significant energy savings.

Network Audit

More than ever, connectivity is the backbone of productivity in many companies, guaranteeing not only continuity of service, but also enabling the deployment of new uses and digital tools.

The Green WiFi network audit identifies weak points and opportunities for improvement in your infrastructure, while integrating an eco-responsible approach for a sustainable digital transition.

WiFi as a Service

Take advantage of an innovative business model with our WiFi as a Service (WaaS) solution, which ensures optimal network performance at a fixed cost.

This model allows you to benefit from complete lifecycle management of your network, while reducing your carbon footprint and controlling your budget.

Managed Services

Our managed services offer provides you with the expertise you need to maintain and operate your IT network optimally, while offering efficient technical support to users.

Take advantage of the benefits of pooling and ensure the continuity and security of your IT infrastructure with the support of our experts.

Our shared commitment to an eco-responsible digital world

Green WiFi is much more than a technical approach; it’s our commitment to a digital world that respects the planet.

We invite you to make the choice of green connectivity, where every decision is guided by the balance between performance and eco-responsibility.

Ready to take your IT project to the next level with a brand-new eco-responsible approach? Green WiFi helps you achieve new goals!